
Sow love
Many people need God's love, but some just want love. Let's try to understand this.

Jesus didn't clearly tell us to proclaim his love, but indirectly he did, because he told us to proclaim the gospel, which is his law or commandments, which are God's love. 1 John 5:3.

But when we speak of God's love, his commandments, we meet with some resistance, especially if we show the consequences of not obeying God's love, his Law.

Some even comment that we should sow love. And this suggested love is what pleases ears eager to hear pleasant, flattering words, promises of good things and blessings.

“And this was predicted by the Holy Spirit through the apostle Paul, you see. “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but having itching ears, they will heap to themselves teachers after their own lusts; and they will turn away their ears from the truth and return to fables.” 2 Timothy 4:3 and 4.

And those who are turning their ears away from the truth are precisely the people who are considered God's people, the chosen people. For Truth is one of the names of God's Law, out of seventeen names. Ps. 119:160, first part and 142, last part.

And those who have no commitment to the Truth seek to sow things that sweeten the ears and senses of the unwary, in exchange for likes and follows.

It's sad but true. But they will be disappointed and lost.

So don't be fooled by flashy things or promises that aren't in line with faithful obedience to God's law or commandments.

Guarulhos-Sp, 16/11/2024

Oli Prestes

Enviado por oliprest em 16/11/2024


Imagem de cabeçalho: raneko/flickr